Andrea Varazzani

Violin Maker Cremona

My latest works
What I specialized in
Construction of bowed instruments

Construction of bowed instruments

In the construction of instruments, Andrea Varazzani uses personal models and creates reproductions of ancient traditional instruments. The woods are chosen personally and scrupulously; the processing is done entirely by hand, without the use of machinery. Following the ancient Cremonese tradition oil paints are used.

Bow instruments maintenance

Bow instruments maintenance

The laboratory also deals with the repair, maintenance and cleaning of the instruments, as well as meticulous assemblies and set-ups that respect the customer’s needs.

Decoration and inlays

Decoration and inlays

The materials, the construction techniques and the paints faithfully follow the historical construction processes: each phase of the construction is completely handcrafted from the preparation of the woods to the painting. Every detail is carefully made following the customer’s specific requests and needs: inlays, stucco decorations and carvings are always taken care of.

Bowed instruments setup

Bowed instruments setup

The setting up of the bowed instrument is the most delicate and interesting aspect of the work. The conquest of its right set-up arises from the synergy between musician and violin maker: together, in the workshop, both seek and find the best solution between the potential of the instrument and the acoustic of the instrumentalist.

Andrea Varazzani

Sun, sea, breeze. Conviviality, social relationships, warmth, folklore… This is the Neapolitan aura that I was leaving. Fog, plain, stuffiness. Privacy, closure, coldness sometimes… This is the Po Valley aura that I was expecting. …But then… beyond all the stereotypes and clichés, what did I find to greet me?

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P.I. 01383760194